
Dogs with arthritis, hip dysplasia and recovering post-op surgeries have a new solution to rehabilitate and get stronger, it is caused hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is exercising in water while floating. This helps with animals to exercise and play without putting much weight on their joints, less pain, it can also help with building more strength. When dogs loses their ability to mobilize, their life seems to deteriorate quickly as they can no longer use their four legs. For example:

“Rusty is a four-year-old Pomeranian rescued from a shelter by Irene Kwok Siu-see…A former breeding dog, he could barely stand due to a luxating patella – a dislocating knee – that gave him a hunched posture and caused hip problems, probably due to having been kept in a cage at a puppy mill.”


Many people told Irene to just give up on Rusty because of his critical condition, even questioning if it is worth the expense to do so. However, after going to hydrotherapy, the condition of Rusty seems to have gotten better. In addition, it also help the owner with their mental problem, like for Irene it helped with her anxiety, and it brings the animal and their owner closer together. Hydrotherapy, along with other therapies, are created to make animal’s quality of life to be superb, so we should use to make animals be happy and cheery again.

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